Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Which gender is the better driver? This is a question that many people - couples, in particular - seem to debate on a very frequent basis. Each time I get into the car with my significant other, I can never enjoy the ride; I am always the co-pilot. Part of me blames my desire to help others when they are in need - he needed my guidance, I thought - and the other part is due to my desire to remind him that I never expect for my life to end in an accident where the contact was initiated by him. I am sure I'm not the only female whose done this either. To give him some credit, however, his parking is great. My competitive spirit, nonetheless, urged me to take this video, which I've so confidently title, #ParkingQueen, and send it to him while in class.

Even after he saw it, he wasn't impressed. Then again, why am I not surprised. He told me that he drives and parks better. While this is still up for debate in our world, I did some looking around and saw that there are, undoubtedly, people who do a wayyyyy better job at maneuvering a car than I even thought possible.

This video is just amazing. I know that breaking world records is a big deal, and often, the tricks that people do are so silly I can't imagine practicing. Although it does not show on their faces, and their skills make it seem easy, these two men have been working hard to accomplish this. Now, I DO NOT HAVE A TRANSLATION for the video. Still, actions speak louder than words... and this video, I'm certain, will have me and my partner quiet for some time.

After this, I am not motivated to break a world record, but I am driven (like that pun?) to make sure that women don't get a bad rep for their skills on the road. Keep pushing, ladies!

One gear at a time, we can all #DoBetter!

MM :)

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