Tuesday, July 1, 2014

#FoodBabe: Only Americans Eat Yoga Mat

Always intrigued by the things that are included in the Nutrition Facts columns located on the back of the products that I purchase, I actively research the names and labels that I am not certain about. I was not always like this until I had my first experience at a Food Market. To be clear: a local Market is NOT a Grocery Store. Yes, you purchase food items at both locations, however, the experience is different as you are more likely to find better quality at a market. If you can't tell where this is headed, I'll keep it short and let you know that I'm an advocate for Organically Grown Products. While it does not, yet, conveniently fit into my college-student, part-time working budget, it is something that I am willing to invest in because, ultimately, it is my health that matters.

This video that I discovered is of a food blogger - FoodBabe (she's awesome!) - who has done a great deal of research herself, and found that there is something different about the food in America, in comparison to other countries.


Food is not meant to be a "filler." We eat with for a reason: to replenish and nourish our bodies. Food intake has become a topic of discussion over the last decade, especially since obesity has hit an all time high - - and in our country, in particular. It is crucial for people to be aware of the things that they do that can, potentially, have negative long-term affects on their bodies so that they can prevent them. If you do not pay attention to what is in the food you eat, you put yourself at risk... for a whole list of things that is too long to type in this limited space. 

I have travelled abroad and the food is delicious, but not to die for. No food is worth dying over. Watch the video and make the necessary changes. 

One step at a time, we can all #DoBetter.

MM :)

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